Warrantless searches of devices at US borders ruled unconstitutional

The border is NOT a constitution-free zone, according to the ruling: No more suspicionless fishing expeditions into travelers’ devices.

Australian police using tower dumps to slurp mass phone data

Australian federal and state police have joined the ranks of mega-data slurpers – namely, the US, where 1 in 4 law enforcement agencies have reportedly used a “tower dump” – ordering phone providers to hand over personal information about thousands of mobile phone users, regardless of whether or not those people are under investigation.

Facebook’s facing a losing battle to protect users’ privacy

Last year, prosecutors in Manhattan held Facebook up by the ankles and shook out personal data on 381 users. A judge last week said that it’s up to the targeted users to complain about privacy invasion, not data-repository Facebook. But how are they supposed to stand up for their rights if they’re never told about the sealed warrants to begin with?