Hundreds of users gave permission to these third-party apps to access their social media accounts, but the apps got more handsy than that.
Tag Archives: Twitter
Police arrest alleged Chuckling Squad member who hijacked @Jack Dorsey
Debug, another Chuckling Squadder, told Motherboard that the kid was weird, “Swatting celebrities for a follow back.”
Sir Tim Berners-Lee publishes plan to save the web from ‘digital dystopia’
Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee has proposed a ‘Contract for the Web’ to rescue it from a headlong plunge into a moral abyss.
Tories change Twitter name to ‘factcheckUK’ during live TV debate
Twitter wagged its finger at the UK’s Conservative party for renaming its press account “factcheckUK” during a live TV debate.
Two men busted for hijacking victims’ phones and email accounts
Prosecutors allege that Meiggs and Harrington took over their targets’ mobile phone and email accounts via SIM-swapping.
Wikipedia co-founder offers a Facebook/Twitter wannabe
Tired of being a tracked, ad-bedeviled product sold by social media companies? The cost to immediately join a network with no tracking/ads: $12.99/month.
Undercover reporter tells all after working for a Polish troll farm
Together with her troll colleagues, she managed 200 fake social profiles, promoted clients’ products, and trolled their competitors.
Twitter bans political ads
Interesting timing: Right before Facebook’s earnings call, two weeks after Facebook said it won’t pull political ads that spout lies.
S2 Ep 13: Weird Android zero day and other tech fails – Naked Security podcast
Listen to the latest episode now!
Twitter used 2FA phone numbers for targeted advertising
Twitter may have “inadvertently” handed phone and email data from some users to advertisers as part of its Tailored Audiences system that targets users’ feeds with ads.