A hacked Nest camera broadcast the fake warning about incoming North Korean missiles, sending a family into “five minutes of sheer terror.”
Tag Archives: Google
Google cracks down on access to your Android phone and SMS data
Android apps that want access to your call and SMS data now have to pass muster with Google’s team of reviewers.
YouTube bans dangerous and harmful pranks and challenges
The platform can’t keep us from driving while blindfolded, but at least it can remove videos that glorify our more brainless moments.
2FA codes can be phished by new pentest tool
A researcher has published a tool called Modlishka, capable of phishing 2FA codes sent by SMS or authentication apps.
You can’t delete Facebook from some Androids and people aren’t happy
The #DeleteFacebook movement may be growing, but many Samsung users are having a tough time scraping the social network’s preinstalled software from their phones.
Some Android apps are secretly sharing your data with Facebook
Apps have been secretly sharing usage data with Facebook, even when users are logged – or don’t have an account at all.
No Android passcode? No problem! Skype unlocked it for you
Microsoft closed the hole, which let any unauthenticated phone-grabber answer a Skype call and then roam around on your mobile.
More phishing attacks on Yahoo and Gmail SMS 2FA authentication
The second report in a week has analysed phishing attacks that are attempting – and probably succeeding – in bypassing older forms of two-factor authentication (2FA).
Update now! Microsoft patches another zero-day flaw
Microsoft has released an emergency patch for a remote code execution (RCE) zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer’s Jscript scripting engine affecting all versions of Windows, including Windows 10.
Logitech flaw fixed after Project Zero disclosure
The flaw offered attackers a way of executing keystroke injection to take control of a Windows PC running Logitech Options.