DNS over HTTPS (DoH), backed by Google, Mozilla and Cloudflare, is about to make web surveillance a lot more difficult.
Tag Archives: Google
Hotspot finder app blabs 2 million Wi-Fi network passwords
If you used WiFi Finder, your passwords to both public and private networks have been left online in an unprotected database.
Google plays Whack-A-Mole with naughty Android developers
Android developers without a track record are going to be submitted to more checks in order to stamp out those of “bad faith.”
Chrome flaw on iOS leads to 500 million unwanted pop-up ads
If you own an iOS device and use the Chrome browser, you may have encountered some strange-looking pop-up ads in the past week.
Ep. 028 – SPEWS, Android security and scary Facebook messages [PODCAST]
Here’s the latest Naked Security podcast – enjoy!
Ad blocker firms rush to fix security bug
If you’re using an ad blocker to filter out online commercials, then beware: You might be vulnerable to a new attack revealed on Monday that enables hackers to compromise your browser.
Google’s location history data shared routinely with police
Law enforcement officials in the US have been routinely mining Google’s location history data for criminal investigations.
Microsoft’s Edge browser reborn after Chromium makeover
After three years of embarrassing rejection, might Microsoft’s newly-Chromed Edge browser be on the up?
Android phones transformed into anti-phishing security tokens
A new security feature allows users of Android 7 and later to use their smartphones to authenticate themselves to their Google accounts.
Chrome, Safari and Opera criticised for removing privacy setting
Forthcoming versions of the Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera are in the process of removing the ability to disable a long-ignored tracking feature called hyperlink auditing pings.