Google’s going to throw more bug bounty money at the problem of nasty apps in its Play Store, it announced on Thursday. In a post from the Android Security & Privacy team’s Adam Bacchus, Sebastian Porst, and Patrick Mutchler , the company said that it’s throwing the security net over not just its own apps, but […]
Tag Archives: Google
Sophisticated iPhone hacking went unnoticed for over two years
Compromised iPhones were turned into surveillance tools capable of recording the owner’s entire digital life.
Botnet targets set-top boxes using Android OS
Production systems aren’t supposed to have the ADB turned on, but some set-top boxes do.
Apple apologizes for humans listening to Siri clips, changes policy
Apple is turning off automatic review of Siri audio and locking it down so that only Apple employees get to listen to it.
Google warns of system-controlling Chrome bug
Google is patching a serious bug in the desktop version of its Chrome browser that could let an attacker take over a computer simply by luring them to a website.
Emergency iOS patch fixes jailbreaking flaw for second time
With iOS 13 nearing release, Apple users perhaps thought they were done with iOS 12 updates for good. If so, they were wrong.
Android 10 coming soon, with important privacy upgrades
It’s semi-official: Android 10 (née Q), the next version of the Android operating system, could start shipping 3 September.
Update now! Microsoft patches its Android RDP app to fix flaw
Microsoft has found itself with a large amount of RDP-related patching work during 2019.
Google’s Nest webcam needs patching after flaws found
The list of vulnerabilities recently discovered by researchers relate to one model, the Nest Cam IQ Indoor camera.
Chrome users ignoring warnings to change breached passwords
If you were told that the password you had just entered was known to have been compromised in a data breach, what would you do?